100 Watt DC Symmetrical Hi-Fi Power Amplifiers

100 Watt DC Symmetrical Hi-Fi Power Amplifiers
The author has created a one amp, a complementary circuit of the entire symmetrical structure, strict matching of all components used to make the DC amplifier of a reliable guarantee. Input stage for a total of linear excellent source of circuit-based, in the following from a total of radio circuit to enlarge the main level, and enhance the dynamic expansion of Jiexi Li are very useful. Power output for three Darlington circuit, due to high current gain, can easily drive a fresh Speaker. The local circuit at every level have been added to a certain level feedback, so as to minimize distortion open loop, and the overall feedback control in only about 16 dB.
Commissioning is simple, for first-class VR1 to 2.4 k Ω load resistance on the pressure drop to 6 V, the midpoint of the VR2-0 V, for the VR3 at the end of each level of quiescent current to 100 mA. In the power of A1209/C2911 should be installed heat sink. The machine set up in the overall feedback circuit, made a test: will the left of the feedback circuit from point A point lead, so that it posed no great feedback loop amplifier, the right channel feedback points from point B leads, the so-called Feedback loop amplifier, the start-up compared Listen, listen to the left-channel sound quality is obviously better than the right channel, the left-channel sound is crisp and clean, good transient response, while the right channel the voice of a little Turbidity, Jiexi Li is not high. The pilot believed that for many Shao You have a certain value.

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